Situationship Vs Relationship: Can One Lead To The Other?

Situationship Vs Relationship

When it comes to the dating world, the terms situationship and relationship are often misunderstood. They are used interchangeably to represent your connection with someone. As you read this article, you will get a good understanding on the terms situationship and relationship, and the differences between the two.

All possible questions you have about these terms will be answered in this post. You will also get to find out if a situationship can evolve into a relationship. Let’s dive in…

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What Is A Situationship?

The term situationship refers to a casual romantic connection you have with someone you seem attracted to although no commitment. It’s more like a mere hanging out without serious commitment from both individuals. It is a kind of relationship that is more than friendship and less than a full-blown relationship. Situationships are often filled with mixed signals and unspoken feelings.

You might have experienced this in your life for sure. It’s a situation where you enjoy your friend’s company, but you’re not sure where you two stand in life. It is both exciting and confusing at the same time. This usually happens when you want to stay connected to the person, but deep down, you know that there is no official title, and you can’t be sure of having one in the future. Individuals in such relational bonds frequently experience being trapped in emotional conflict. They experience emotional closeness but without commitment.

What Is A Relationship?

Relationships between two opposite sexes usually start serious with clear labels and commitment from each other. There’s a mutual agreement between both persons, which leads to a monogamous relationship. It involves emotional and physical closeness between two people. These relations often include sexual intimacy and feelings of romance or love. Individuals in romantic partnerships frequently rely on one another and have an impact on each other’s lives. They are dedicated to one another. More often than not, such relations lead to marriages.

Is A Situationship Good?

The response to this question depends on you, your expectations and your personal needs. Each individuals’ expectations and needs differ. When you’re in a situationship, your demands are usually casual and undefined. It’s okay if you get involved in a situationship provided it’s in alignment with your needs and goals.

So, how do you know whether you are in a relationship or in a situationship?

Read ahead for the signs that shows you’re in a situationship. Here we go…

1. Connection Without Title

Situationships can be trickier. It’s a space that exudes warmth while also embracing ambiguity. You may find yourself feeling excited about the time you spend with the other person but without title. Deep down you know there is no title. If you and your friend refrain from labelling the bond you two share, then it’s evident that you’re in a situationship.

2. Confused State

Situationship can be a great option for those who are clear about their requirements or who do not want to indulge in serious romantic relations. However, it can be pretty perplexing for those who wish to be part of another person’s life, but somewhere, the absence of labels leads to ambiguity in the relationship, causing both individuals to feel unsure about their roles and what is expected of them. If that’s the case with you two, then you’re definitely in a situationship relationship.

3. No Consistency

Inconsistent behaviour is yet another telltale indicator of a situationship. Both hot and cold vibes are pretty common in such relationships. At times, everything seems to be moving towards a relationship, but suddenly, there is silence. And the worst part is you cannot even complain about that silence whether you like it or not. Your relationship is a situationship where there are times of extended silence along with times of cosy moments and lots of texts.

4. Emotional Closeness Without Commitment

Emotional closeness without commitment is a classic sign of situationship. Feeling emotionally connected to a person with whom you spend lots of time is natural. It happens with friends. They share emotional connections. They share their secrets, their goals, and much more, but then there is no commitment. There is a complete lack of sharing in any of their plans or goals. If you share such a bond with your friend, then you’re in a situationship relationship.

5. No Clarity

May be one of you would want to turn the whole thing to a romantic relationship, but the other person is fully oblivious of your desires or there is no clarity at all, then you’re in a situationship. An emotional connection without the promise of commitment is a telltale sign of a situationship.

6. No Future Talk

When future plans are seldom brought up, it could signal a situationship. It’s a typical sign of situationship when two people do not talk about the future. If you often notice that the other person changes the topic the moment you start discussing about the future, then you’re in a situationship.

7. Feeling of Uncertainty

Uncertainty is typical for situationships. Obviously, when there is no commitment, no future talks, it leads to the feelings of uncertainty. If you often feel uncertain about your future with the person you spend most of your time with, then you’re in a situationship.

If your partner often steers clear of serious topics or life-related topics, then you’re a part of a situationship. If you haven’t noticed it yet, then try brining up a serious topic and observe how your partner behaved or reacts to it, you’ll know the kind of relationship you share with the person.

So, how is relationship different from situationship? Read ahead to know…

Relationship vs. Situationship The Difference

Both relationship and situationship are two different aspects. There are numerous differences between the two; here are the differences between relationship and situationship. Take a look…


  • There’s a mutual agreement between two people.
  • Two people often share a romantic relationship.
  • There is commitment and clarity between two people sharing a romantic connection.
  • Communication is usually frequent and meaningful. Both individuals are expressive during communication.
  • The discussion between two people in a relationship includes future plans.
  • A relationship is usually intentional and long-lasting.


  • Lack of commitment and title clearly indicate a situationship relationship.
  • Communication is usually at a surface level between two people.
  • There are hardly any discussions about the future.
  • There’s no serious commitment; it’s usually casual.
  • Such relations are often uncertain and ambiguous.
  • Situationship can be liberating; however, it leads to feelings of uncertainty.
  • Avoidance of future talks is pretty common in situationships.

But the question is – can a situationship be turned into a relationship? If you are wondering the same, then read the upcoming section.

Can a Situationship Turn into a Relationship?

Yes, it can evolve into a relationship although there’s no guarantee. In order to ensure a situationship progresses to relationship, there must be a mutual agreement. You and the other partner must be able to communicate openly about your decision and thoughts. Moreover, it requires effort, patience, and honesty from both partners. It’s important to let the relationship develop at its own pace and avoid putting pressure on the other person.

Tips for Turning Situationship Into a Relationship

Here are some tips for turning a situationship into a relationship; take a look…

Tip No. 1 Be Clear:

Make your intentions known to each other. Let there be transparency between you and your partner.

Tip No. 2 Be Clear With Your Expectations:

It is crucial to be clear with your expectations and communicate the same to the other person. It will help the other person know your thoughts and expectations.

Tip No. 3 Be honest:

Be open and honest with your partner. Doing so will help you build trust and be consistent in the relationship.

Tip No. 4 Be Aware of Your Values:

Your values define who you are. Make sure that your lifestyles and values are connected only then you can be sure of building a strong relationship with the person. If you two have conflicting values, then turning a situationship into a relationship may be tough. Or maybe you have succeeded to develop feelings for each other, but you cannot be sure of the longevity of your relationship in such a situation.


Relationship is a process and it should progress in its own pace. Rushing things may not help you in any way. Instead, it is advised to take small steps and try building trust and a strong connection. It will help you and your relationship in the long run.

Tip No. 6 Be A Support:

You will need to put in effort to build a strong relationship with your partner. In a situationship, there is no commitment. But that’s not there in relationship. Relationship is built on commitment. Make efforts to strengthen each other. Talk about your dreams, visions, thoughts and fears.

Tip No. 7 Be patient:

Patience is the key to have a successful relationship. At times you may not feel like things are going in the right direction. You may even feel like rushing things, making things happen your way, but that’s not how a relationship works. You need to be patient. You need to give time to things, to your partner for building trust and seeing results.

Tip No. 8 Let it Grow Naturally:

Whatever grows naturally, grows fully! This applies to a relationship as well. You may be in a hurry to change your relationship status from situationship to committed, but rushing things won’t help you at all. Allow the relationship to develop at its own pace. Let things be natural. Patience can help you here. So, be patient and hopeful!

Wrapping it up…

So, this is all about situationship. Hopefully, this article has been enlightening for you and helped you figure out the kind of relationship you’re in at the moment. A situationship is more than casual dating but without commitment. Some signs of a situationship include, no title, no commitment, no discussions about the future, spending time together without defining the relationship, being physically intimate without defining the relationship, and so on. Whatever your relationship status, stay true to your demands and desires. Whether you’re involved in a situationship or relationship, it should be rightly defined. Even if you are in a situationship, make sure you are happy! Happy Relationship… 😊 😊