Guide for How to hook seducing men on the Internet

How to “hook” him on the Internet_ in structions for seducing men

Do you blush and turn pale when men try to talk to you in a cafe? Do you get overwhelmed if a nice guy compliments you at the park? Are you afraid to take risks offline or hook seducing men on the Internet? I give you a few working life hacks on how to seduce men.

1. Create a compelling account

So, the first step. If in real life they are met by clothes, then on the network – by a bright and honest profile. Fill in all the items of the questionnaire. Write about your hobbies, education and career. But do not invent what is not. Do not praise yourself, spread reliable information.

Create a compelling account

2. Write first, don’t be shy

Many girls are afraid to take the first step. But how to meet a person on the Internet if you are too passive? And let’s be honest. If you go to a special site, then you really want to find a man for a serious relationship. What is there to be ashamed of? So choose and communicate.

Write first dont be shy

But do not write platitudes, like “how are you, let’s talk.” Carefully study the questionnaire and mark for yourself something interesting, close to you. Perhaps you both work in the same field or are passionate about photography. Ask him what kind of pictures he prefers to take, what are the most successful works. And then – everything is like clockwork. But at the same time, remember which topics are best avoided in correspondence.

3. Comment on posts and photos

It’s more about social media. If you liked the account of a young man, he publishes interesting posts, express your opinion. It can be a low-key compliment or your appreciation. Don’t get carried away with “likes”. They are of little use. Demonstrate better in the comments your erudition and wit. Do you know how men like girls with an active lifestyle?

Comment on posts and photos

4. Wait for someone to write to you

Perhaps the most common way to meet online among girls. Maybe not the most advantageous option, but still… In this case, the emphasis should be on promoting your account. On many dating sites, this is a paid option. But on the other hand, your profile will always be at the “top”, and millions of users will be able to see it. However, this is not a panacea. Anyone who is not lazy can write to you.

Wait for someone to write to you

5. Intrigue and surprise

Often the correspondence between men and women resemble interviews. It’s boring and uninteresting for both. Act as if you were dating without the Internet. Flirt, joke. Turn communication into a casual game. Even if you are asked completely ordinary questions, answer creatively. Thus, you will “excite” the interlocutor and turn out to be the brightest among the other girls.

Intrigue and surprise
And if you suddenly lack confidence and relaxation, take my course “Secrets of Women’s Happiness” and the training “The Art of Women’s Flirting”.

Don’t delay meeting in person

Remember my good ones. All your actions should be aimed at achieving the main goal – to get a date offer. Many have been sitting on dating sites for years, putting “likes” and playing for time. I’m not saying that you need to run to a meeting with the first interlocutor. Communicate with several gentlemen and choose the best. And already on a date you have all the cards in your hands.